Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bush "Secretly" Slaps Obama and U.S. Troops in the Face

Bush made an unannounced farewell visit to Baghdad today. He left in a disguise and they weren't even expecting him to come. I guess he calls himself saying goodbye!! It's in your hands now! Of course he will no longer be president after the inauguration, but now he wants to admit that his biggest "regret" is flawed intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

At this point, his decision to take us to war has greatly diminished our credibility with other countries. We are toppling into the apocalypse.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! Can you believe that someone actually got mad enough at Bush's "posturing" that he couldn't help but react??? One reporter in the midst of many took off his shoe and THREW it at Bush during his "secret" appearance in Iraq. Kudo's to that reporter!!! And Bush was smiling--probably because he was glad it wasn't something worse. Don't you know it scared the you know what out of him? Just to see someone throw something at him was thrilling to say the least. I wish it had been a pie......


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