Sunday, December 14, 2008

Politicians Shift the Blame; Is That Why We Do It ?

As I watch the activities of the world on the news I can't help but consider the fact that we are in the beginnings of the End Times. Politicians who are voted into office on the merit of thier promises are more concerned with the power and the financial standing of thier position than they are with finding solutions to the problems they promised to "fix". When things go wrong they spend all thier time and energy posturing and pointing fingers at someone (anyone) else in order to get the attention away from themselves. This applies to 90 percent of the population in these days and times, not just politicians. And it's sad. People have been conditioned to shift the blame, and more often than not get away with it. And we wonder why. Could it be that it's easier to "shift the blame" than accept the responsibility for our actions? The day will come when we will ALL be held accountable for our actions, and it's not going to be much longer before that happens.

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