Saturday, December 13, 2008

2 Books You Must Read!

I have been going through my mountains and valleys as of late, and it has compelled me to do as much soul searching as I can.

I got saved for the first time when I was 5 years old, but I have certainly led a sin-filled life that I am not proud of, but to each his own!

There are things that of course with today's knowledge and experience I would have done differently, but on the same token, I appreciate life's challenges, because they have made me the person I am today.

I am hoping to be a positive influence one of these days, and I would like to begin by recommending 2 books to you:

Financial Armageddon by Pastor John Hagee


Warning! Revelation is About to be Fulfilled by Larry W. Wilson

On a personal opinion note, I have had frequent thoughts that "remind" me that these religious authors have money that they gain from collection plates during their church services, so why do they need more money from me buying a book from them?
But I had to re-evaluate myself! I need to read as much as I can for one thing! For another! The book by Larry W. Wilson is FREE! Just go to their website or view the video below for more information as to how to obtain your free copy!

As for the book by John Hagee, it was only about $8.00 and well worth it especially for the simple minded like me! I see stuff on the news every day about financial crap and I really don't understand one bit of it, but I'm much more receptive to a biblical perceptive of this news.

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